Rage & Smear Campaign of Narcissists - Paid Article of Stuff New Zealand?

Rage & Smear Campaign of Narcissists

All of us have several ups & downs in our lives, sometimes our nature over rules outcomes in our favour, at times against our wishes and large part of it remains unchanged despite our like/dislike towards it.

One such moment came to my life in June 2018. I was running errands through an ordinary day and a "random person" drops into my door without any intimation, he happened to be Tony Wall from a local website called "Stuff New Zealand". So Tony wanted to speak to me for 5 minutes, he had some questions to ask about my involvement with Kosmic Fusion. 

I had mixed emotions and though bit stressed I took few minutes to compose myself. Deep down I had a feeling Tony Wall had something up his sleeve, he posed some questions and it appeared he wanted to derive answers to his convenience. 

I later found out Tony Wall was a "investigative journalist", when truth is out in the open these 
journalists go out to find a narration with their investigative hats on.

It took more than half hour for the series of questions posed by Tony Wall, obviously he wanted to weave in a fake story to his convenience. The background of this "story" was claims of the narcissist duo Joy Kuo & Iphigenie Amoutzias (Dallia, Malana Taresi), they probably invested heavily for this article to launch their healing "profession" and businesses. 

I mentioned to him, Tony Wall - you are simply being used as a Flying Monkey; it is all fun and games till such monkeys become victim of a narcissist. 

As they say, "like attracts like".... who knows, Tony Wall is probably one of them!

Late July 2018, this biased article was published, many neutral readers said they know how media tries to spice things up, create controversies and in this case the narration was one sided so for obvious reasons Tony Wall wanted to make some extra cash by putting his "investigative journalism" at stake.

In following series of blog posts, I deconstruct the said article step by step to bring truth to forefront.

Part 5: Reply to Smear Campaign (Paid article by two Narcissists Joy Kuo & Iphigenie Amoutzias)