The Cult hopper - Personal issues of a Narcissist

The Cult hopper - Personal issues of a Narcissist 

"She was very charismatic. There was something about her, she had a presence. Some people might call it arrogant, but she knew who she was, and she knew a lot."
German-born professional dancer and instructor Iphigenie Amoutsias was immediately impressed by Bhavsaar when they first met.
Bhavsaar had arrived at her Auckland dance studio in 2012 looking for lessons, but Amoutsias soon became the pupil, not the teacher.
Amoutsias had long practised Buddhism, but no longer felt it was working for her. "Something was missing," she says. "I had this deep sadness inside me."" - Quotes from article

Iphigenie Amoutsias was a leader at SGI Buddhism before volunteering for Kosmic Fusion. Basic research on SGI shows it is an established “cult” with its own share of controversies. 

Iphigenie led women group of Buddhists, due to behavioral issues she was demoted to youth department which made her very unhappy, hence she took an exit from SGI.

Any average intelligence person will raise a question, 
  • Why did Iphigenie hop in spiritual circles? 
  • Why she was demoted at SGI from leadership role? 
  • Why was Iphigenie maligning new people she met at Kosmic Fusion?

"She began solo "healing" classes with Bhavsaar. "She removed that sadness inside…. afterwards, I really felt something was lifted off me." - Quotes from article

Sree Maa did remove her “Sadness which she had it inside”, two things that needed to be noted here is  firstly  narcissist, especially malignant ones' always want to have what others have. Iphigenie Amoutsias who always wanted to be a “special healer” immediately got extremely jealous, she had inferior complex about the way Sree Maa gracefully dressed & presented herself. 

It was very hard for Iphigenie, who was overtly arrogant of being a White European (Iphigenie mentioned this to me during one of her reflection), she felt very inferior compared to Sree Maa - which brought too many personal issues to the forefront.

The first time I suspected Iphigenies behaviour was when she stepped into my hair saloon and wanted to style her hair just like Sree Maa which left me astounded. I told very clearly to Iphigenie that she won't be able to afford the costs after which she become very sad of and kept on manipulating me  by acting victim and behaving in the manner that the world going to collapse if I did not style her hair like Sree Maa. 

I did not buy into her stories and did not give any discount either, I charged her full amount and styled her hair like how Sree Maa used to do. 

I could see how Iphigenie wanted to be like Sree Maa, in fact she even dressed up like Sree Maa on many occasions. The behaviour was similar with Joy Kuo, she also wanted same hair like Sree Maa and end up manipulating me in June 2016 to give her free hair extensions.

Narcissist are just copycat because they feel entitled  to whatever recognition or attention one is getting. 

"Narcissist want to steal because narcissist do not have the moral boundary with regard to respecting another human beings life

Iphigenie did something similar with me, I remember her jealous & creepy behaviour when someone praised  my clothes, she would ask me where I purchased it from and she would buy exactly the same thing. 

Never take such nuances lightly, these are biggest red flags of person having severe mental issues. To me it showed, such person is having very low self esteem and is extremely jealous.

I also recollect how Iphigenie wanted to buy exactly the same set of shoes, clothes, makeup, wallet and handbag. Unfortunately (for her) she could not afford the wallet and purse, this caused Iphigenie to hate me a lot; she would make excuses to touch my things. I literally felt my things would get destroyed sooner or later with such psychic attacks. 

I felt very uncomfortable with Iphigenie around me, she seemed to steal my identity. One of the most disturbing thing was that Iphigenie wanted to open a hair extension business in Germany, felt like I was being used by her to understand my business and just steal the business secrets for financial gains..

Within few months of working at my shop, Iphigenie tried to created differences with my staff. She would back answer rudely in front of my staff and clients to run me down. 

In one instance, I asked my staff to not to speak in their mother tongue and always speak in English when customers were at the shop. Iphigenie Amoutsias would immediately question me back, putting me down and support my staff to win their trust so that they could be used as flying monkey to attack me later on. Sadly such tricks did not work and my staff was loyal to me and they had opinion that Iphigenie wasn't a nice person and I should be careful of her. 

Iphigenie was using me for money and instead of being grateful, she was working towards completely destroying me.

I broke down once when Iphigenie created big scene at my shop, when she found out that I used CCTV recording at my shop. She felt upset and tried to manipulate & brainwash my staff to fight with me on this trivial matter but my staff didn't have any problem with CCTV recording as they were honest and not doing anything wrong.

After such behaviour, I could not bear Iphigenie at my shop and fired her, which she did not take nicely and she started holding grudge against me.

After this incident, I literally had nightmares, where I could see Iphigenie attacking me in dreams, doing something on my third eye. It remained very uncomfortable and I could feel so much of anger and hatred coming on my way. I used to wake up with lot of sweat after having Iphigenie in my dream, it all felt like psychic attacks from her.

Once Iphigenie came to my shop and as always whining about how she is the one who has to set up the meditation evenings (and I was surprised because setting meditation evenings means, arranging music, setting up few chairs and organizing table, would take maximum 15-20 mins). Iphigenie portrayed how she been taken advantage of her nice nature but I kept on saying that if she volunteers to host an event when she should not complain.

I practically saw how Amoutzias was not only trying to control but also creating disturbance among the FiT team by acting as a victim who has been taken advantage of, but in fact she was a blood sucking energy vampire.

From the time I met Amoutzias in 2014, I have already seen her sad and depressed, I have heard it was same when Iphigenie met Sree Maa and it was QVSWPP (Quantum Vortex Scalar-Wave Photon Pulse) which lifted her and gave her the platform where the transformation could happen and she felt positive. 

Amoutzias could not control her natural tendencies to sabotage Sree Maa and Kosmic Fusion, hence her actions of publishing a paid article. Iphigenie was voted out in May 2017 due to safety concerns of other FiT, who felt scared in front of her. 

I'm pretty sure Iphigenie is only feeling her natural energies, which is of depression and sadness.