How Narcissists attacked a Noble Mission & its founders of Kosmic Fusion

Reading first page of this biased article, it clearly tells that the person who has written this article is a complete atheist. I mean, if I believe in God and was a bit fearful, no matter what religion anyone follows, I would never insult anyone’s God and their believe, in any which  way and what Steve Kilgallon and Tony Wall have done this paid article ruthlessly, highly disrespectfully and it only reflects complete inhuman behavior.

Swaminarayan Bhagwan - The Purn Purushotham Narayana, Shree Hari, is the heartbeat of every soul.(and yes we all have Soul...oh..well ...most of us…..or maybe not) but don't worry because that's where KOSMIC FUSION gets a grand entry - it is the ONLY PLACE  where, conscienceless people start developing some conscience, a loving platform is given. 

I do not think any more introduction is required. because if a narcissist can transform, reflect and feel peaceful then no words can do  justice to explain how Amazing, comforting and out of this world KOSMIC FUSION is, and the grace of Sree Maa reflects accordingly!!

India is a land of yoga ,meditation and liberation. India is a land of Bhagwad Geeta. India is a golden land of liberation. India is a Birthplace of many Gods, Deities, great teachers, philosopher and Yogis. An atheist from down under thinks he has the capacity  to  dare & disrespect the great wisdom, knowledge and  scriptures of India? Think again!! This agenda is not new, and neither are such attacks.

Excerpt from Article
“she's short, for a living God. Despite being, literally, five foot nothing, Kaveeta Bhavsaar is a far more imposing presence than her much taller, quieter husband, Sunil Kumar Porumamilla.

But then he can't cure your ailments with a high-frequency light wave.In their rented Mission Bay villa, which combines views of Rangitoto with water stains on the ceiling, smells of incense waft through the house as Bhavsaar explains how Kosmic Fusion, a spiritual movement she started seven years ago, was sabotaged from within by "malignant narcissist snakes".

The couple's front room is devoted to an intricate shrine to Bhagwan Swaminarayan, a 19th century Hindu religious leader whose followers believed was a living incarnation of the God Krishna.

Bhavsaar, 47, believes she channels the long-dead Swaminarayan, and controls something she calls the Quantum Vortex Scalar Wave Proton Pulse - or QVSWPP - the "mother of all frequencies, energies and vibrations".

Believers pay money to attend workshops where Bhavsaar supposedly uses the energy force to upgrade them to a "fifth dimensional grid" where they are cleared of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phones, computers and wifi, leaving them cleansed and healed of various ailments.

People who have been through this process are called Pulsars.”

It's shocking, how  people are judged in the western world by height, In India even cow is worshiped as a God. W
e have Lord Ganesha who has elephant head, worshiping Ganesha is considered auspicious  before starting any venture, business etc..

We also have lord Narasimha, he has Lion face and human body.

Who can forget Great Hanumanji, who is vanar (primitive) but is considered as the greatest devotee of Lord Ram - his devotion is second to none.

We also have Sankadi ,the four great sages , who looked like children (and shorter than Sree the way)   but being the first principle of the Knowledge  and had the strength to go to Vaikuntha Loka along with their physical body (transcends with Body).

So the great and the most pious country where I come from, is the land of Devotion, Liberation and Knowledge. We don't judge anyone because of their height and colour. I have learnt to look (at) and respect the Soul of a person.

 Look at the irony, reporters like Steve Kilgallon & Tony Wall, who are atheists and probably don't even believe in Soul, Liberation or Salvation,. These experts of journalism give opinion about Kosmic Fusion, which is The Ultimate Hub of Transformation and Knowledge, even the darkest of darkest can AWAKEN To it's true potential.

My apologies in advance but I find this whole article hilarious.. I mean how can a  new born child talk about open heart surgery, how can he/she point finger at the worlds' TOP MOST SURGEON. Think about it, I mean if the reporters were from Spiritual World, and had the knowledge of vedanta, Sanatan dharma and it's own Atmaman(Soul) only than it would have made a difference but it is our stupidity to support child's scribble  and take it so seriously by creating doubts at the TOP HEART SURGEON.

Sree Maa is like a “Soul” surgeon  who is beyond our understanding but she still delivers the result such that people get awestruck and feel the shift. Now can we really fathom what a top soul surgeon say instantly or it would be wise, to go to soul medical school first , to have an understanding first which helps in seeing the things not from a very rigid point of view.

Also what is really funny, is that if we go to doctor and after the examination if doctor said "you have cancer and go for chemotherapy". 

Can you  revolt against the doctor and take him to the court and ran a smear campaign just because he diagnosed   you with cancer? It's utterly what's the issue if narcissists like Dallia and Irene get diagnosed  with Malignant Narcissism, isn't it a favor done to them and to the world.

But hey... Narcissist do not like to be exposed, and if someone dares to expose then THAT'S IT, they would go to ANY LEVEL to destroy that person. We can clearly see how Dallia and Joy Kuo are running smear campaign and even paid money to do such fake article to ruin Sree Maa, Kosmic Fusion and each & every pulsar… it's a great lesson to learn, not to enable a narcissist because this is what you need to go through.

I remember Sree Maa once said that “biggest irony is a fool teaching another fool", Now after reading this article, I am fully able to understand this sentence...ha ha ha!

Firstly the typo needs to be corrected "PROTON"? Ir was actually "Photon" and secondly  Kosmic Fusion advocates against Channeling, because Sree Maa taught us that channeling is contaminated form of energy as we don't know a person who is channeling  what issues they have or whom they are calling.

That's why, trust my words and always stay away from psychics and try to work the issues with-in rather than depending upon others for feel good factor.

Now tell me is it bad, what Sree Maa is teaching? 

I used to depended upon Psychics so much and tried to live my life according to it, but trust me , I felt more wound up with issues and more depressed and it is only because of Sree Maa who helped me and gave me enough Knowledge rise above my addiction... 

So my question, is it bad to be helped out of addiction and start taking responsibility?