How a mind of narcissist works - Observation of my own mind

Due to the Grace of Sree Maa, I recently was able to witness of how very subtly my mind tricks me in keeping me in this bubble...This voice is so strong in my head and seems very authentic and I feel that the way it talks, it actually brainwash my mind in believing that   I am genuine person, when sadly the reality is far far off …. and that is the reason, it is hard for a narcissist to come out because we actually do not know what these positive emotion feels or means within. We believe that we know them and struggle and fight with everyone but actually we do not have any clue..

We do not know what is righteous way of operating because our mind creates a very different bubble which feels  very real but  we are far away from truth...actually....WE DON'T KNOW WHAT  TRUTH IS.....

I was sitting and looking at a photo and suddenly something started to stir up.
It was jealously but I cannot accept that I was jealous.. Rather than seeing it as jealously.... we twist it and turn it and make it very complicated in our head …..

(When a Narcissist feels jealous, we have to find faults in others, to put the other person down so much that we could feel good in our eyes and bring our self to a victim zone because how can a perfect person like me can get jealous.. it has to be the fault of other person... because this mind is not ready to accept these issues even though we need desperate help)

 There is this voice in my head that started to comfort me first and then in a very subtle but in a cunning way, started to brain wash my mind. Everything was done in a systematic manner (very friendly and caring approach that it cares.. it’s very hard to explain but I am going to try my best to explain of how my mind works..)

Firstly the voice started to remind me the faults of that person and made this comparison where I looked good by sharing all the good things which I have done. The minute I started to believe it and came into the victim zone, suddenly all the emotions of sadness came in with irritation and projection of my fear and anger on that person

But with the Grace of Sree Maa( who is supernova catalyst who can awaken the voice of the true self, only due to which many personalities that anyone carry can be subsided..) this time...when I started t fall back to my victim zone, ….. Second voice from within came and started questioning back....

  • Am I still blaming others? 
  • What is in me that only want to look at the faults of other but hate to admit mine...? 
  • Did I feel good after putting the person down in this thought process?
  • Did all this created anger and irritation towards others? 
  • What is in me that wants to be a victim?

If I was genuine, I would be admiring the qualities of others and try to implement that in my life but I instantly felt threatened which created jealously (but it’s not very obvious for a Narcissist to see admit that it was jealously because the bubble which we live in have a very different way of looking at these negative qualities …..)

Always in Deepest Gratitude towards Sree Maa for holding my hand.